
Author Archives: martinbrossman

About martinbrossman

Success Coach / Trainer / Author Learn more on my Linkedin Profile: http://linkedin.com/in/martinbrossman or call me at (919) 847-4757

Taught by: Martin Brossman

1/2 day workshop and the Next Step to The Anatomy of a Sale. (More information) [Also see Integrated Sales Coaching]

“Beyond Ordinary” Business Networking

March 19th, 2011 | Posted by martinbrossman in Courses - BD - (0 Comments)

“Beyond Ordinary” Business Networking

Taught by: Martin Brossman

This hands-on workshop will provide you with the information and real life practical application that will enable you to grow and prosper in your career or business by being of service to your personal network. It is about adding to your bottom line as well as gaining the appreciation & respect of others.

Networking Online / Offline Options

  • Free and Low cost websites and how to choose the right one to network for your business.
  • Understanding types of paid websites and what you need to know before you spend your money.
  • Utilizing key business relationships as a “win/win” for both parties.

Using Social Media for Networking and Reputation Management

  • The do’s and don’ts of Social Media for enhancing your business networking and not hurting it.
  • Different Social Media sites and their utility.
  • Being alerted to positive and negative conversation of you on the
  • Web and how to handle the negative.
  • The value of “social currency”

Management of Network Relationships and Referrals

  • Managing this new world of being closer to your customer and network relationships.
  • Dealing with challenges and opportunities on the Web.
  • Keeping your best referral partners and customers coming back for more.


(More information)

Being an Entrepreneur and Business Owner demand very different skills then being an Employee. This class teaches you the core skills required to navigate and be successful in your own business, based on more than 15 years of business coaching by Martin Brossman and more than 20 years of entrepreneurship by Dan Scala. Learn the key mistake to make that can lose you time and money. You will understand  how to effectively manage: time, money, priorities and customers to maximize results. This is useful for both the person about to start a business and one that has been in business long enough to say “I wish they had told me how…”.

by Martin Brossman and Dan Scale

An unsatisfied customer used to tell 10 to 11 people: today with a smart-phone that same customer can complain to 100,000 from your location. This course trains you to successfully handle in-person and web-based reputation issues. Designed for managers and business owners, but anyone working in a business can benefit from it. Including on-line reputation management and handle negative comments on-line.

Developed by Martin Brossman and Drew Becker